Sleaford Mods
“Spare Ribs”
Etichetta: Rough Trade
Promozione: Spin-go!
Uscita: 15 gennaio 2021
Spare Ribs, uscito il 15 gennaio 2021 su Rough Trade è il sesto disco in studio per il duo di Nottingham Sleaford Mods.
Registrato a luglio 2020 in isolamento, con una full immersion di tre settimane al JT Soar di Nottingham, l’album nasce sull’onda della rabbia per il modo in cui il governo di Boris Johnson ha gestito l’emergenza sanitaria dall’inizio.
“Our lives are expendable under most governments, secondary under a system of monetary rule. We are stock if you like, parts on a shelf for the purposes of profit, discarded at any moment if fabricated or non-fabricated crisis threatens productivity. This is constant, obviously and notably in the current pandemic. The masses cannot be present in the minds of ill-fitting leaders, surely? Or else the realisation of their catastrophic management would cripple their minds. Much like the human body can still survive without a full set of ribs we are all ‘spare ribs’, preservation for capitalism, through ignorance and remote rule, available for parts.”
Il nuovo album contiene 13 pezzi e vede i features di Billy Nomates e Amy Taylor dei punk australiani Amyl and the Sniffers.